Money Persona

What is a Money Persona?

How do you spend your money? How do you manage your sources of income? Which of your personality traits influence your finances? These are all aspects that influence your money persona. 

Ultimately, a money persona is what drives your financial decisions, whether that’s spending, saving, or investing. It’s that part of you that controls your financial behavior and monetary decisions. Being able to identify your money persona and the choices you make is the first step toward financial health and success. Once you begin to understand your thought process, you will be able to achieve goals and build your wealth.

Which Money Persona Are You?

Are you Payday Patty?


Living paycheck to paycheck?  In survival mode trying to make ends meet, resulting in poor credit and an undesirable  lifestyle?

Payday Patty currently holds little to no savings with one stream of income because she’s spending her money on essentials and bills as soon as it hits the bank account! 

Are you Secure Suzy? 

Working a salaried job with a decent income? You pay your bills on time and have average to good credit, with average spending habits. 

You hold an emergency savings account and are prepared for the unexpected! You’re able to save a little because of that small side hustle and are on the right track to achieving your financial goals!

Are you Money Making Martha? 

You have that high paying job with 1-2 side hustles! Those debts are paid and you have a safety net savings account, resulting in good to excellent credit. 

While you splurge here and there, you’re smart about it and aren’t afraid to spend money to make money! You have investments and always have money flowing in- You are on the path to wealth!


Are you Wealth-Focused Wendy?

You have M U L T I P L E streams of income and hold a high net worth! You HAVE achieved your financial goals and hold financial freedom! You ARE your own GO A L S! 

You have enough money constantly streaming in, that you have those debts paid in ADVANCE- 6 months to a year in advance, while still maintaining a retirement sized savings. 

You are now building generational wealth! 

So, which money persona best represents your current financial situation? If you don’t feel like any of them fit you, that’s okay! Pick a money persona that you aspire to become and begin working toward your objectives!

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Mastering Your Money Mindset